I am interested in guest posting on your website. I would like to have more information in advance so that I can proceed
1. Reasonable rate for each post?
2. Type of links (do-follow or no-follow)?
3. Do you accept essay-writing articles?
4. Do not add disclosures/sponsored tags.
5. Sample Post?
6. Which niche are you accepting for your Blog /website?
7. Please share the Google Analytics traffic chart of your site/Blog.
8. Are you allowing gambling, casino, dating, and investment-related posts? If yes, your best price for this?
Payments will be sorted via PayPal within 72 hours after the posting goes live.
If you run other sites in any niche and language, feel free to share the list along with the above information.
I am looking forward to working with you!
Best Regards,
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