Chapter 1 - Sex and Culture
1 Musonius Rufus, The Roman Socrates; Cora Lutz; Yale Classical Studies 10; 1947
2 The Greek Anthology; G.P. Putnam’s Sons; 1916
3 The Garden of Priapus: Sexuality and Aggression in Roman Humor; Amy Richlin; Oxford University Press; 1992
4 The Story of the Strix: Ancient; Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 44; Samuel Grant Oliphant; 1913
5 Tantra Unveiled by Pandit Rajmani; Himalayan Institute Press; January 25, 1999.
6 Associated Press; April 16, 2007
7 The Globe and Mail; “Porn Calms Danish Seniors”; September 5, 2001
8 Time Magazine; June 17, 2008
9 Tan Yingzi; China Daily; May 15, 2009
10 Suite 101.com; June 17, 2007
11 China Daily; May 19, 2009
12 Tania Branigan, guardian.co.uk; May 15, 2009
13 CNN World; January 11, 2010
14 Reuters, November 26, 2007
15 Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors; EO Laumann; A Nicolosi; DB Glasser; A Paik; C Gingell; E Moreira; T Wang; for the GSSAB Investigators' Group; 2006
16 NBC special, "Sex, Buys and Advertising"
17 Neil Postman, media theorist and author of the seminal work, Amusing Ourselves to Death
18 Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel; Jean Kilbourne, PhD; Free Press; November 2, 2000
19 2003 Environmental Scan, a Report to the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) Membership
20 The Colorado Springs Business Journal; Amy Guillentine; August 31, 2007
21 Still Sexy After All These Years?: The 9 Unspoken Truths About Women's Desire Beyond 50; Deborah Nedelman and Leah Kliger; Perigee Trade; February 7, 2006
22 Newsweek; Barbara Kantrowitz and Pat Wingert; May 29, 2009
23 Ibid.
24 Hadley Freeman, The Guardian, March 24, 2009.
25 Joanna Weiss, The Boston Globe, “Hollywood’s burden on aging women”; January 2, 201
26 U.S. Census Bureau; Current Population Survey -- Annual Social and Economic Supplement; 2008.
27 "Illegitimacy, Postwar Psychology, and the Reperiodisation of the Sexual Revolution"; Alan Petigny; Journal of Social History; fall 2004.
28 Times Online; Jeremy Page in Delhi; August 22, 200729 “THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT BEAUTY: A GLOBAL REPORT”; Findings of the Global Study on Women, Beauty and Well-Being, sponsored by Dove (Unilever); September 2004.
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Chapter 3 - The Physiology of Sex
1 Kohli N, et al. An overview of the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and classification of pelvic organ prolapse. http://www.uptodate.com/home/index.html
2 WebMd “Symptoms of Menopause”
3 The North American Menopause Society Website, “Confirming Menopause”
4 National Institute on Aging: Age Page, Menopause, April 2008
6 WebMD “Symptoms of Menopause” http://www.webmd.com/menopause/guide/hot-flashes
7 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2008 Update, American Heart Association
8 Cardiovascular Disease Foundation, Website www.cvdf.org9 National Institute of Health, Senior Health “Breast Cancer Causes and Risk Factors”, 09/03.
10 American Heart Association, Statistical Fact Sheet, Populations 2010.
11 Quick Facts About Heart Disease and Stroke, American Heart Association
12 McSweeney, J.,Women’s Early Warning Symptoms of AMI. Circulation. 2003; 108:2619-2623.
13 Women’s Health Foundation:http://www.womensheart.org/content/HeartAttack
14 "Sex talk eases fear of Sex after Heart Attack" WebMD, S. Boyles, WebMD Health News, 05/21/2010.
15 Ibid
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